FEBRUARY 8, 1925 TO JUNE 22, 2010

This is the USS Anteitam that Dad talked about
so much. He was a baker and served in the Navy
on board this ship for 35 months. 1942-1945

Please click to enlarge. Dad is far left.
Dad has been laid to rest in the Fort Logan National Cemetery in South Denver Colorado.


Please click the map to enlarge. He is in section 30A, grave 952.

"a short history of his honest & fulfilling life"

Dad was born at Ranger General Hospital         in Ranger Texas          on February 8th, 1925. Went to schcool there until the third grade and moved to Odessa Texas and finshed the 8th grade. He ran off and joined the           when he was 17 and lied to get in. He was on the maiden shakedown voyage of the USS Anteitam.          He spent 35 months on board the ship. We was a baker 2nd class. He made pizza on board for many of the men who had never tasted it before. His stories of his military life were endless. He was treated almost as royalty on the ship. He really took care of the other sailors.         When the ship docked in San Diego he met the love of his life, Mary Lou Berg whom he married in 1949.          He moved to Corpus Cristi Texas where he worked on the oil rigs and had two children Lloyd Don Sheppard Jr. born in Omaha in 1950 and Dianne Evonne born in Odessa in 1951. Mary Lou submitted to Cancer in 1954. He moved the children to Omaha where her parents lived and laid her to rest there. He met Bonnie Lou Hale Tate who had lost her husband in 1954 & had two children Lee & Earl and they were          married in 1956 in Omaha.          Lynn was born in 1957. Dad worked on the docks for the Burlington Truck lines for about 2 years and moved the Family to York Nebraska to be the cook and manage the kitchen for "Mothers Jewells Home" (now Epworth Village ) a home for orphans and troubled kids. In 1959 he moved the family to Longmont Colorado and went to work for the Local Lyon Lumber Co. He moved the family to         Allenspark Colorado later that year. Daniel was born in Allenspark in 1959. Anna was adopted in 1964 while living in Allenspark.           Dad was the hardest worker on the job always. Did as much work as at least two men. He taught us to always be to work on time and ready to go as soon as we punched in. His work ethics were something he taught all his kids and grandkids.          I can always remembering him working two jobs and never taking any "hand outs". We were poor but we had a good honest upbringing that I would not change for anything. Dad wanted us to stay in the mountains of Colorado because he felt there was no better place to bring up kids! We went to a one room school and Dad worked 2 jobs just to keep us there. Economic times in the late 60s led Dad to move the family to Boulder Colorado where          Philip was born and most of us older kids finished high school. Dad and Mom bought an old church (now Neighborhood Learning Center) in Niwot Colorado in 1971 and turned it into a home for mentally & physically handicapped & abused children. There was never less than about 20 people for every meal. The pressures were great and most of the kids were grown & gone & Dad divorced mom in 1975 and moved to Laguna beach California and then on to Palm Springs CA where he spent about 25 years working construction. He moved back to Colorado in 2005 into Applewood care center where he lived for 5 years. Everyone in Applewood loved him and he seemed to be the favorite resident as he always was complimentary and had a joke on his lips. He loved Cheesecake and Italian & hot Mexican Food. His favorite restaurant was Rigazzi in Longmont.He developed pnuemonia in mid-June. It was his third or fourth bout and couldn't shake it. He was admitted into Longmont United Hospital where he passed away on the 22nd. He was very very tired and felt he had a very fulfilling life and was ready to go. God Bless Dad! He was a great man and made the world better and kept us all laughing & honest!


Any family member or friend is welcome to add to this or clean up any mistakes! Please email me the info at lee@ibelevinme.com Thank You.