JULY 31st - AUGUST 2nd 2009

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We lived in Allenspark from 1961-1963. Maybe a little longer. We lived on the Kuhn ranch. Then we moved to Lyons. Pete Rauch was one of the last kids to graduate eight grade from Allenspark school. Boy, do I remember going to school there. We had the best times of our lives there. A lot of great memories. Going up to Laura Walters house and riding horses, and doing who knows what else. We left Lyons in 1966 for Oregon. Then moved to Oak Harbor, Washington in 1972. Where I met and married my husband Thomas. In 1973 Tom and I moved to Lima, Ohio. He had been in the Army and decided to move back to his home town. We raised our two sons John and Peter, then in 1994 after Tom retired, we move back to Oak Harbor so I could be with my family. Our two sons live here also. We have three beautiful grandchildren by John. Peter is still single and no children. Maybe some day he will grow up and give me some more grandbabies.

Leta passed away in 1998. Pete passed away in 2000. And Dad passed away in 2001. Mom is still with us. She is 83 years old and going strong. Just the three of us girls left. Dorothy and Robert live about a block from me. Michael Lynn and Don live in Tahuya, Wa. About 100 miles from us in the Olympic mountains. We get together as often as possible.

Sure would love to see all of you at the reunion. Can't believe it's been that many years ago that we were all going to school in Allenspark. I am trying to make plans on being there. It is not for sure yet. Would love to catch up and find out what you all have been doing with your lives.

Here are pictures of Pete when he was still in the Navy, us girls in 1963 around Christmas time, Dorothy and Leta on old Lulabell at the ranch, My husband and me, a picture of all of us taken in 1996, & a picture of Mom, Dorothy, Michael Lynn and me a couple years ago



reunion home