JULY 31st - AUGUST 2nd 2009


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Don (Bud) and Coleen

Bud and Coleen moved to Allenspark in 1949. They bought the freight and mail route from Coleen's Aunt. They originally lived in a cabin that was Coleen's aunt's until they bought the 3 room house in 1950 that became the Ewy House. The house did not have running water, Coleen cooked on a wood/coal stove and they used the outhouse in the back yard. Over the years there were improvements and moderinizing. Bud (with the help of friends in the community) dug a well, he added a bathroom (along with septic field), 2nd bedroom and laundry room During this time they had 3 children: Leonard (1949), Don (1952) and Leslie (1954).

Eventually Bud turned to doing carpentry and similar work, while Coleen took over doing the mail route. They had another addition underway to the house when Bud died in 1965 of a heart attack. Coleen remarried and moved to Hygiene. Currently Coleen lives in a facility in Louisville Colorado for the memory impaired, she is in mid to late stages of Alzheimer's Disease.

Leonard     Don     Leslie

I went to school from 1st (1960) through 6th (1966) grade in Allenspark. Unlike some of the previous kids, my class had a different teacher every year. Though some teachers were better than others, each teacher brought something unique to the one room environment. There were some strange times. I remember Mr. Dewar and the snake burial and Mrs. Hartford trying to communicate with Dad (who had died earlier that year). But I believe we received a good education. There were great games at recess (Redline, Eatman), the best snow forts, "track" on the road east of the school and waxing down the slide with wax paper from our lunches to see how fast and far we could go. And just how many YCL candle lighting ceremonies did our parents have to attend over the years? ("I now light this white candle, symbol of citizenship and place it in the Young Citizens' League code of ethics".)

The school district closed the school at the end my 6th grade school year. Debbie, David and I (the 3 muskateers) finished high school together and graduated from Lyons High School in 1972. We were the top 3 in the class, either Allenspark kids were smart or...

I took a rather extended trip through college and got my Bachelor's degree from CU Boulder in 1982. After which I worked for a series of Boulder high tech companies that no longer exist. Since 1997 I have worked for Colorado State University, contracted to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration as a Research Associate.

Since 1983 I have been with Stuart Maybee. We built a house southwest of Longmont in the mid 90s and have lived there since. As a kid I never cared for dolls, but loved my stuffed animals. So in keeping with that I never had children but Stuart and I have many animals and still many stuffed animals too.

I cannot imagine having grown up anywhere else, or to have gone to another school. I am sure that Stuart gets tired of me saying, "When we were kids in Allenspark, we used to...". At the time I doubt if I really appreciated the life we had. We had unlimited places to play, a good community and a variety of interesting people around I also know I never realized just how hard all of our folks worked for the lives we had then.

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